Joe Formica Award
SYHA has established the annual Joe Formica Award to be awarded to one child on each team at each level of play of the Scarsdale Youth Hockey Association. Each of the awards will consist of a special patch for the players jersey.
Since the prize is intended to memorialize the spirit and dedication that Joe Formica showed as a coach and mentor, it is intended that the selection criteria be based on hard work and sportsmanship, and not on athletic prowess
- Purpose: Before his recent passing, Joe served as coach, mentor and friend to many children participating in the SYHA. It would be at true loss if the spirit, enthusiasm and love he demonstrated both for the game of hockey and for these children, were not at least remembered. The purpose of this prize is to reward young hockey players who embody that same spirit, enthusiasm and dedication.
- Selection: The coach or coaches of each team will determine the recipient. It is specifically intended that the prize reward enthusiasm and hard work.
The following criteria would apply:
- Dedication
- Enthusiasm
- Effort (both at practice and at games)
- Sportsmanship
- Improvement
- Attendance
The following criteria would NOT apply:
- Skill
- Speed
- Coordination
- Scoring Average
- Athletic Prowess
Previous Winners
Gabriel Picariello
Will Berger
Tyler Nunez
Rayaan Virnig
Ross Whitehead
Ward Whitehead
Robbie Paltz
Hunter Kowatch
Dylan Song
Lady Raiders
Lily DeRobertis
JP Margand
Ryan Braff
Paulo Ciaramitaro